The primary role of the Fraser River Valley Housing Partnership will be to facilitate the development of community housing units
About the Fraser River Valley Housing Partnership:
The primary role of the Fraser River Valley Housing Partnership, will be to facilitate the development of workforce housing units. The goal suggested by the Housing Needs Assessment is to dramatically increase the inventory of workforce housing. The strategic priorities recommended were:
See current pipeline of community housing development projects through to completion
Create a balanced for-sale market for locally employed households through deed restrictions
Create a functional rental market below 120% AMI across a range of products
Land bank appropriate parcels
Preserve existing inventory
Given the hard work on pipeline projects by the Towns of Winter Park, Fraser, and Granby, there is a legitimate pathway to add over 450 units. These projects include Hideaway Junction II, St. Louis Landing, Nuche Village, and the Summit at Granby Apartments. Therefore supporting the first strategy enhances the potential of the second and third strategies. Most of the pipeline projects are contingent upon early funding through grants or program awards. Once these contingencies are realized, the Partnership can identify ways to support projects or implement programs that increase the inventory.
Announcements and Updates:
Catch the interview on KFFR’s Public Affairs - Broadcast on April 17, 2024
Housing Partnership hits a NIMBY speed bump
History of the Fraser River Valley Housing Partnership
Discussion on forming a regional housing authority began in September of 2021 following a joint meeting between the Towns of Fraser and Winter Park. Both the Town of Granby and Grand County joined the working group during the fall of 2021. The draft IGA was presented to all the participating governments at a joint meeting on March 14, 2022.
Following approval of the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) the Towns of Winter Park, Fraser, Granby, and Grand County proceeded with appointing the board of the new housing partnership, with the board being fully formed in early August of 2022. The board consists of seven members. Four have been appointed from the participating governments, and three have been appointed to be at-large members.
To support and sustain the Fraser River Valley Housing Partnership, a ballot measure was presented. The ballot allows collection of a 2 mill property tax to fund the Partnership efforts to support workforce housing in the boundary. Ballot Measure 6A was approved by the voters in November 2022 and the first year of property tax revenue was collected in 2023.
The primary role of the Fraser River Valley Housing Partnership will be to facilitate the development of workforce housing units. In addition, the Housing Partnership will manage housing initiatives, developments, and programs to benefit year-round residents. All the participating governments have agreed that workforce housing is a top issue. The Mountain Migration Study revealed that home prices in mountain communities continue to reach record heights, with rents increasing 20-40% within one year. A housing needs assessment conducted by the new partnership shows a more than 700-unit gap in affordable rental and homeownership opportunities in the Fraser River Valley.